
Artist Statement

I enjoy painting in oils, gouache and water colour. My main interest is in colour and space and is often a spontaneous action and response to light, landscapes, nature, experimenting with colour and attuning to its vibrancies. I start most days in painting rapidly in a ten minute burst as a warm up for other work and these quick ‘splashabouts’ often inform more considered oil paintings. I have been meditating for years and this has encouraged the enjoyment of working with ‘what comes up’.

Resume / CV

Jerry is a retired of teacher of children with additional support needs and within a psychiatric hospital. He greatly enjoyed playing and working with children on art projects and has now finally got down to doing some painting himself. He has wanted to devote time to painting for a long time,and now, approaching seventy, he is doing it. His art is abstract , gestural and colourful and is influenced by his garden and the landscapes that surround him. He finds great joy in colour, in vibrancies and contrasts and is heavily influenced by artists as diverse as Joan Mitchell, Patrick Heron, Monet and Bonnard. As a zen practitioner he likes to work with what comes up in the moment.